I have finally finished my online portfolio and it is ready to view. Please share any feedback you may have regarding anything from how the site functions and it's ease or difficulty of use to the content and your feelings about a certain image. This type of feedback is vital to the growth of my work and it helps me to understand that third perspective which is quite difficult for me to experience without you. Click the link to the right titled Treading Light Portfolio, or type in www.treadinglight.com. Thanks.
Also, notice a link to November 4th 2008 Election Day on the treadinlight site. These are new images which I created on Election Day of this year (2008). My original intent was to capture portraits of people for the purpose of assisting my memory 40+ years from now. Such an historic election must not be forgotten. Although my intentions have not changed, I now see the beauty in each of these people worth sharing with all who choose to look. Strength, confidence, humility, shyness, happiness, and uncertainty are just a few of the emotions I feel when looking into these faces. I would love for you to share with me your emotions from this day.
Personally, my emotions spanned the spectrum. But mostly I was proud to be an American. My pride had nothing to do with who got elected to take office that day. It couldn't have, because at that point I had no idea who would assist in running this country of ours. My pride started as anxiety and even a bit of fear in my gut, but once I sauntered the streets of S.E. Portland and started conversations with several walks of life, the fear went away and the depths of my soul produced a comfortable pride. A pride I saw in every person I was fortunate to interact with that day. We all voted and have Hope......